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Sunday, June 2, 2013

See Ya Tomorrow!

  Putting Down the Pieces has been loaded onto Amazon Kindle and B&N Nookpress.  It is "in review" and will be available to purchase sometime in the middle of the night tonight, or early tomorrow morning!

  I'm really excited about this one.   I had a lot of good help with editing, and I hope you will not trip over very many silly mistakes.  It's a drama/romance where my main character, Nika Petrovskya, begins to recover and heal from a difficult upbringing.  She strikes out on her own, (sort of) and meets Simon Thorpe, who helps change her life.
  It's a feel good, clean romance and I think you'll like it.  Happy reading!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Just kidding...

  Ok, so I was going to use Leaving Dreams Behind  as the title of my book, but, you know, scratch that.  We're back to the original title Putting Down the Pieces.
  I know that won't mean much to anyone at this point, but there it is.  It's honestly not the best title that this book could have, but I really, really like it and the meaning it has for my main character. 
   You see, Nika has lived through a lot of terrible stuff, and she has to decide which pieces to carry with her and which ones to let go of so that she can move on with her life.  It's not as depressing as it sounds - I hope.  It's really just a sweet love story with some drama.  
  I'm pretty much done with editing, I am just waiting for my SIL to get back from vacation because she designed my cover and now I've gone and changed the title on her again so the cover has to be redone.  No pressure Amber.
  So that's it.  "Nearly there, Nearly there." - Talking head

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Finally Some Good News!

  It's been a while.  It's been a long while.  So, if you're interested I will start by mentioning in a passing sort of way...I am almost done with the editing of my second novel!!  
My goal is to publish on Amazon and B&N by the end of May.
Special thanks to Lucinda Whitney, whose own novel is coming out this fall (The Secret Life of Daydreams, plug,plug).  She helped get me going and provided some excellent feedback about all the whoozits and whatzits that needed thinking over.  Wik, wik, Amber deLaine for helping with cover design.

If you're wondering, the title of my new novel is...
Leaving Dreams Behind
Look for it in late May!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Back to the drawing board.

  Last year, I handed over my manuscript to an acquaintance that had editing experience and an English degree because she offered to look it over and give her advice.  Now I am fully aware that the editing on Blind Sided was not "tight" as some call it, so I jumped on her offer.  I would really like my next book to be better.
 Well, this kind lady experienced some very difficult trials and was not able to get her notes to me until just before the Christmas holidays.  Unfortunately, she left them in my mailbox during the only time of day that I was not home.  Putting stuff in people's mailboxes is technically illegal.  Which is why my not-particularly-friendly, neighborhood postal worker put them in the USPS official recycle bin.  My friend would love to email the notes to me but her computer gave up the ghost shortly thereafter and the tech has not recovered them yet.

  So it is with great sadness that I share my intentions to, once again, edit my own manuscript.  From the beginning.  May the (grammatical) schwartz be with me.  I guess those folks that whined about my poor editing won't buy this book anyway.  The rest of you - thank you for your patience.  It's time to bust out my Keys For Writers college manual and get to work.