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Friday, December 16, 2011

Ok, so I really thought I'd have more to say by now...

So, I am finally emerging from my postpartum coma.  Sort of.  Baby T is 5 months old now and my brain function is only just now beginning to smolder again.  My printed copy of my new manuscript is still at Suzanne's house - the same place it's been for several months now.  It's totally ok though because the thought of doing any serious editing makes me want to curl up and cry.  

I was so lucky the first time around with friends helping me (Thank you Chesney, Jennifer G, Jen E., Suzanne, Brittany, Angel, Amber, Kaitlyn, Stevie, and all the rest of you that critiqued and helped edit.  WHy didn't I include that in the book?)  It wouldn't have looked half as polished without their input.  Now I feel like I should just put on my big girl panties and get it done myself.  And I will.  Eventually.

What I really need is a mini vacation.  Just me, my laptop, and food I didn't cook - somewhere far-ish away where little people won't interrupt me every 5 minutes.  But Santa doesn't exist and neither does this imaginary vacation place.  I'll just have to bite the bullet and drive over to pick up that new novel to be and start marking it up.

What kind of story is it?  Oh, come on.  I only do predictable, formulaic romance.  You know, the good stuff.  But this one is less YA.  Don't get me wrong - it's clean, just more adult.  The title is called "Putting Down The Pieces" and I love it.  It's a cinderella story of sorts.  I can't wait for you to read it.  Ok, ok, I'll get on it.  

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