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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Welcome To My Novel Blog!

  If you're here because you've read my new novel Blind Sided, THANK YOU! I appreciate the time you took to give my work a chance.  I'm a novice writer - it's been many years since I have written anything that wasn't for a grade in college.  But it was a great experience and when my second novel has cleared the editing stages, I will post more on that too.
  For those of you who haven't read the book through Kindle or Nook, it's currently selling for a piddly 99 cents - give it a try!  Blind Sided is an LDS romance for young adults but all of my early readers (i.e. friends from book club) are seasoned moms that just wanted to read a good, clean, love story.  After a lot of great criticism and editing advice from friends who were either in the publishing business, or english majors with a knack for copy editing, I decided it was time to venture in to open water.  
  So if you've read it, feel free to leave your comments and I'll be happy to answer questions about the story as well.  Thanks for stopping by - Cheryl